Upcoming PROMISe URL Changes

In accordance with DHS rebranding and the Governor’s Office Customer Service Transformation Initiative, the Office of Medical Assistance Programs will be implementing changes to the old URLs to reach PROMISe hosted applications and websites. The old URLs, using a domain naming convention of dpw.state.pa.us, will be changing to dhs.pa.gov in phased implementations beginning August 7th, 2024, and wrapping up in October 2024. Please review the attached pdf containing the impacted production environment URLs.

Who is Impacted?

  • CWOPA Users and Registered Business Partners with active assigned PROMISe role permissions for each URL
  • External persons accessing the Physician Provider Directory Search
  • Providers accessing the Electronic Enrollment Application or logging into the MA and LiHeap Provider Internet Portals

When is this happening?

  • The first URL, Project Workbook access, is scheduled to change on August 7th, 2024
  • The remaining URLs will be implemented in phases
  • All phases to be completed by the October1, 2024

How will these changes be communicated?

  • CWOPA users and business partners with active assigned PROMISe role permission to access URLs today, will receive targeted email communication shortly before each URL change is implemented
  • Broadcast messages will run on the MA Provider and LiHeap Internet Portals
  • Providers will receive the same messaging via the ListServ
  • For a limited time after implementation, if a user tries to access an old dpw.state.pa.us URL, a redirect message will pop-up for 5 seconds instructing users to save/favorite the new URL, then continue to the new dhs.pa.gov URL
  • The DHS Communications Office will be making pre-identified updates from old URLS to the new URLs throughout the various DHS website pages

What can I do to aid this transition?

  • The Old PROMISe URLS have been in place for a long time. We are asking for your assistance, post implementation, in identifying any remaining reference to the old URL. These references could be found on DHS SharePoint, HealthChoices Extranet, and DHS web pages or downloadable documents.
  • If you discover remaining usage of the old URLs post implementation, please send a message to [email protected] for correction. Be sure to document the exact site location of the reference and include a screen shot to aid in correction efforts.


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