ODPANN 24-082: Now Available: Guide for Using the Incident Management (IM) Overview Dashboard to Assess Performance Based Contracting (PBC) Measures

The purpose of this announcement is to advise providers of the availability of the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Using the Incident Management (IM) Overview Dashboard to Assess Performance Based Contracting (PBC) Measures RM-IM.01.2, .01.3, and .01.4 guide on MyODP.

Please review the announcement for information on the guide and how to access it.

ODPANN 24-025 Update: The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announces the Accreditation of MyODP trainings by the National Association of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP)

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announces the Accreditation of MyODP trainings by the National Association of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP). Changes to the original announcement were made in red.

Please review the updated announcement and attached ODP Accredited Training List for important information and details.

New Times Available: Scheduled One-on-One Incident Management (IM) Virtual Office Hours (VOH)

Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP) providers are invited to sign up for a scheduled one-on-one VOH session to discuss IM topics with the Office of Developmental Programs’ Bureau of Services for Autism and Special Populations (ODP-BSASP).

Providers may sign up for one 30-minute session and multiple staff from the provider may join at the provider’s discretion.

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New Medical Assistance (MA) Bulletins and Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Technical Guide Version 3.0

Important Update: New Medical Assistance (MA) Bulletins and Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP)
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Technical Guide Version 3.0

The Department of Human Services released the following MA Bulletin on Friday, August 23, 2024:

In addition, an updated version of the ODP EVV Technical can be found at the following link. This updated guide includes essential information on the latest compliance requirements and procedures:

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ODPANN 24-081: Performance-Based Contracting (PBC): Provider Data Now Available

The purpose of this communication is to provide agencies with PBC specific data and instructions on how to access available data in the EIM Dashboard.

Please review the announcement for additional details.

U.S. Food & Drug Administration Product Recall Alert - Defibtech, LLC, RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Devices

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Product Recall Alert!
Chest Compression Device Recall: Defibtech, LLC, Removes RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Device due to Risk of Device Stopping
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is sharing this important announcement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the recall of Defibtech, LLC, RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Devices due to a problem with the device’s motor that may cause it to stop compressions.
The use of the affected product may cause serious adverse health consequences, including
  • patient injuries;
  • delay of therapy;
  • death due to a period of time without compressions to circulate oxygen throughout the body.
This recall involves removing certain devices from where they are used or sold. The FDA has identified this recall as the most serious type. This device may cause serious injury or death if you continue to use it without following the updated instructions.
Affected Product
  • RMU-2000 Chest Compression Module
    • Product Name: RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Device
    • Unique Device Identifier (UDI)/: UDI-DI: 00815098020812, 10815098020819 
    • Serial Numbers: See full list.
What to Do
Do not use affected Defibtech RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Devices (identified by serial numbers).
On July 12, 2024, Defibtech, LLC, sent all affected customers an Urgent Medical Device Safety Removal letter recommending the following actions: 
  • Identify and quarantine affected units.
  • If devices were transferred or distributed further, please ensure the recipients are aware of this notice or provide Defibtech with contact information.
Customers will be contacted by Defibtech to arrange for product return and devices will be refunded, repaired, or replaced at no cost.
Reason for Recall
Defibtech, LLC, is recalling RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Devices due to a problem with the device’s motor that may cause it to stop compressions.
The use of affected product may cause serious adverse health consequences, including patient injuries, delay of therapy and death due to a period of time without compressions to circulate oxygen throughout the body. There has been one reported injury and one report of death. 
Device Use
The RMU-2000 ARM XR Chest Compression Device is used to provide chest compressions on adults whose hearts suddenly stop and are not circulating blood throughout the body.
Contact Information
Customers in the U.S. with questions about this recall should contact Defibtech Customer Support: 1-877-453-4507, 7:30AM - 6PM Eastern.

ODPANN 24-080: Registration Now Open for September Certified Investigator (CI) Forum & How to Access CI Forum Question & Answer (Q&A) Documents

The purpose of this communication is announce that Temple University Harrisburg’s Certified Investigator Program and ODP will be facilitating Forums for CI and others involved in the incident investigation process, and to announce the posting of Q & A Documents from past CI Forums on MyODP.

Please review the announcement for information on how to register and additional details.

ODPANN 24-079: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Quality Management (QM) Certification Classes: Registration for Newly Added 2024 Classes

This announcement provides information on the registration process for ODP’s newly added 2024 virtual QM Certification classes.

Please review the announcement for additional details.

September Workshops, PA Family Network

Below are the PA Family Network workshop and support groups for September. Thank you for sharing these important workshops and Good Life Groups with your network! Register for upcoming events at www.pafamilynetwork.org/events

Support Groups

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ODPANN 24-078 Release of Performance-Based Contracting Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this communication is to notify stakeholders that ODP has published a Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). 

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

Free Disability Rights and Resources Fair in Harrisburg - August 28, 2024

Free Disability Rights and Resource Fair in Harrisburg - Including Voter Registration!
August 28, 2024, 11AM-3 PM
Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Grove
Commonwealth Avenue across from the Capitol Building fountain
All are invited. There will be food trucks and resource tables. Speak with disability support organizations, learn about disability history and rights. And - you can register to vote! Stop to take a picture with The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice 2024 on its national tour!

2024-2024 Charting the LifeCourse: Applying Principles and Using Tools to Support a Good Life

2024-2025 Charting the LifeCourse: Applying Principles and Using Tools to Support a Good Life
Charting the LifeCourse was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and ages to develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find, or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. These standalone training sessions are for all professional stakeholders. Each session will cover the same content.
Participants in this training will:
  • Learn about the National Charting the LifeCourse Community of Practice.
  • Apply LifeCourse Principles and LifeCourse Framework.
  • Practice Using LifeCourse Tools.
September 27, 2024, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
(Registration on MyODP opens at 8:00 AM on 8/16/2024.)
December 11, 2024, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
(Registration on MyODP opens at 8:00 AM on 10/30/2024.)
February 28, 2025, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
(Registration on MyODP opens at 8:00 AM on 1/17/2025.)
April 10, 2025, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
(Registration on MyODP opens at 8:00 AM on 4/8/2025.)
All dates are visible in the course, but registration links will open about five weeks in advance of each session.

Quality Assessment & Improvement Training Requirement Matrix

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing a new tool designed to support Administrative Entities and ODP staff when Providers or Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) choose to provide agency-developed or agency-identified training that meets the General Orientation and Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100.The reviewer determines if the identified staff completed each required annual training core courses based on Provider training records including, but not limited to: a description of the course, sign-in sheets, transcripts or certificates of completion from the training. ODPANN 24-036 is being included as a reminder of the annual training requirements.

Please review the tool and announcement for details.

ODPANN 24-077: 2024 Certified Investigator (CI) Manual Now Available

The purpose of this announcement is to communicate the availability of the 2024 Certified Investigator (CI) Manual and the 2024 CI Manual Overview Updates document.

Please review the announcement for additional information.

Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) September 2024 Training and Events Calendar

The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the September 2024 training and events calendar. Please share widely.

Important Update for ODP Providers: The Comprehensive Guide to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), Version 3.0, is Now Available!

Message from ODP to providers:

Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce the release of Version 3.0 of the Office of Developmental Programs' Comprehensive Guide to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). This updated guide is packed with valuable information to support you in navigating EVV requirements effectively.

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New TRAIN group forming through AID in PA

New TRAIN Group Forming Through AID in PA
Individuals with intellectual disabilities or autism (ID/A) are at an increased risk of experiencing trauma! Yet, few therapists are skilled in both trauma and ID/A support. Psychologists with the ASERT team created the TRAIN program that focuses on:
  • Trauma-focused mental healthcare
  • Types and prevalence of trauma
  • Disclosures of abuse
  • Ethical principles of reporting abuse
  • Expressions of trauma
  • Assessing trauma and trauma-focused interviews
  • Psychoeducation
  • Trauma response management strategies
  • Trauma processing
  • Resiliency and self-care

This program was developed for

  • Therapists
  • Counselor
  • Clinical social workers
  • Participants who already have experience working with clients who have an ID/A diagnosis and are looking to gain knowledge and skills related to trauma therapy. Therapists who do not have experience with ID/A clients are also welcome to participate, but the expectation is they would be committed to taking such clients into their practice after completing the program as the purpose is to build capacity in this area across the state.


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ODPANN 24-015 Implementing Changes to Remote Supports and Assistive Technology in the November Waiver Amendment

The purpose of this communication is to provide guidance for implementing changes to Assistive Technology and Remote Supports in the amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) and Adult Autism Waivers. Please note: this communication is being reissued with an update to Attachment B only. The other attachments are being included for reference.

Please review the announcement here.

Employment Symposium & Job Fair Registration Now Open

Registration Now Open: Employment Symposium & Job Fair
October 10, 2024
9 AM – 4 PM
Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel
This conference is for employers, business owners, people with disabilities, their family members, and anyone interested in competitive integrated employment!
Please see the flyer for registration information and additional details.

PA-TRAIN Webinars for LTCFs

The Bureau of Epidemiology will be hosting two webinars for LTCFs related to respiratory virus prevention and outbreak control available on PA-TRAIN. Act 58 CE credits are available and NHA CE credits are pending.

  • September 4 @ 1 PM: “PA-EPI: LTCF Readiness and Prevention of Respiratory Viruses.” ID: 1120331
  • September 18 @ 1 PM: “PA-EPI: LTCF Respiratory Virus Outbreak Control and Response.” ID: 1121319