Attention CPS providers:
The Quality Management (QM) Data Collection Tool for CPS and Day Habilitation now has a short tutorial video available on the CPS resource page on the MyODP website.
Attention CPS providers:
The Quality Management (QM) Data Collection Tool for CPS and Day Habilitation now has a short tutorial video available on the CPS resource page on the MyODP website.
The purpose of this announcement is to advise providers of the availability of the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Using the Incident Management (IM) Overview Dashboard to Assess Performance Based Contracting (PBC) Measures RM-IM.01.2, .01.3, and .01.4 guide on MyODP.
Please review the announcement for information on the guide and how to access it.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announces the Accreditation of MyODP trainings by the National Association of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP). Changes to the original announcement were made in red.
Please review the updated announcement and attached ODP Accredited Training List for important information and details.
Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) and Adult Community Autism Program (ACAP) providers are invited to sign up for a scheduled one-on-one VOH session to discuss IM topics with the Office of Developmental Programs’ Bureau of Services for Autism and Special Populations (ODP-BSASP).
Providers may sign up for one 30-minute session and multiple staff from the provider may join at the provider’s discretion.
The Department of Human Services released the following MA Bulletin on Friday, August 23, 2024:
In addition, an updated version of the ODP EVV Technical can be found at the following link. This updated guide includes essential information on the latest compliance requirements and procedures:
The purpose of this communication is to provide agencies with PBC specific data and instructions on how to access available data in the EIM Dashboard.
The purpose of this communication is announce that Temple University Harrisburg’s Certified Investigator Program and ODP will be facilitating Forums for CI and others involved in the incident investigation process, and to announce the posting of Q & A Documents from past CI Forums on MyODP.
Please review the announcement for information on how to register and additional details.
This announcement provides information on the registration process for ODP’s newly added 2024 virtual QM Certification classes.
Below are the PA Family Network workshop and support groups for September. Thank you for sharing these important workshops and Good Life Groups with your network! Register for upcoming events at
Support Groups
The purpose of this communication is to notify stakeholders that ODP has published a Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Please review the announcement for additional information and details.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing a new tool designed to support Administrative Entities and ODP staff when Providers or Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) choose to provide agency-developed or agency-identified training that meets the General Orientation and Annual training requirements of the 55 PA Code 6100.The reviewer determines if the identified staff completed each required annual training core courses based on Provider training records including, but not limited to: a description of the course, sign-in sheets, transcripts or certificates of completion from the training. ODPANN 24-036 is being included as a reminder of the annual training requirements.
Please review the tool and announcement for details.
The purpose of this announcement is to communicate the availability of the 2024 Certified Investigator (CI) Manual and the 2024 CI Manual Overview Updates document.
The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the September 2024 training and events calendar. Please share widely.
Message from ODP to providers:
Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce the release of Version 3.0 of the Office of Developmental Programs' Comprehensive Guide to Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). This updated guide is packed with valuable information to support you in navigating EVV requirements effectively.
This program was developed for
The purpose of this communication is to provide guidance for implementing changes to Assistive Technology and Remote Supports in the amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) and Adult Autism Waivers. Please note: this communication is being reissued with an update to Attachment B only. The other attachments are being included for reference.
Please review the announcement here.