View our past training opportunities below. Interested in a training topic that was previously presented? Express your interest by clicking here to send us an email. Do you have a topic or idea for a training? Please let us know what you'd like PAR to include in our training line-up. Email [email protected] to send ini your suggestions. 


Frontline Supervisor Training

Wednesday & Thursday // September 11 & 12
9:30 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

This training is designed for current and future frontline supervisors. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Creating an Internal Compliance System 

Thursday & Friday // August 22 & 23
9:30 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You know the rules, and your team is trained on the expectations; but your organization still struggles with compliance. There are too many panic moments, too much chaos, and internal and external audits reveal errors. How can this be?

The problem is that you don’t have an effective internal quality assurance system.

With an effective internal QA system, you will:

  • Catch errors quickly…before they become big problems.
  • Quickly return to your QA system after an emergency or crisis. (Never get permanently derailed again.)
  • Use a straightforward system of checks and balances to maintain compliance and catch errors, instead of just relying on 1 or 2 key personnel.
  • Practically eliminate the new staff learning curve that inherently creates risk for your agency.
  • Meet the compliance requirement of having an internal compliance system.

In this training participants will map out a high-level compliance blueprint that can easily be adapted for each agency’s unique needs.

This training is designed for frontline supervisors, managers, directors, compliance officers and executives. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Leveraging Social Capital To Improve Quality of Life 

Wednesday // August 14
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker: Rebecca Kasey, The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)

Social Capital involves the connections people create and the resulting trust, reliance, and reciprocity that comes out of those relationships. Especially in the human services system, there are distinct benefits for supporting people with disabilities to build social capital in their life. Through Personal Outcome Measures® data, we find that only 38.8% of people with disabilities had outcomes related to Social Capital present in their lives, including areas like community, relationships, friendships, social roles, etc. This session will help you in understanding, identifying, and improving Social Capital. Attendees will leave with specific strategies to support people in establishing connections, nurturing relationships, and living better lives. We’ll also share examples of people moving beyond being in the community, to actually being a part of the community.

Management Success in 2024 

Thursday // August 1
9:30 - 11:30 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies ask “How do we recruit and keep staff?” What we hear from staff during exit interviews is  that one of the major reasons they leave is the QUALITY of their Managers and lack of feeling valued.  This begs the question of how Managers have been trained – usually not well or at all.  Do your Managers have the basic skills and training to help minimize turnover and deal with the myriad issues they face or have they been “thrown” into their positions with little training?

This presentation will focus on 50+ Management tidbits for new Managers to use and existing Managers to consider.  These tidbits will assist developing the skills necessary to improve staff morale, facilitate positive communications and help with accountability and having difficult discussions with challenging staff.

Learning Objectives:

  1. The importance of Communication Style
  2. The importance of Expectations and how to create them
  3. How to use a Positive Actions Log
  4. How to use reinforcement/praise appropriately, it’s SIC
  5. Why reinforcement does not work at times
  6. The four steps of reducing conflict situations
  7. The four steps of dealing with challenging staff behavior
  8. Five (5) Management “No, No’s”
  9. Five (5) Management “admonitions to heed”
  10. Ten (10) positive management tips

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days! 

What do you Mean I'm not in Charge?

Tuesday // July 23
9:30 - 11:30 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Managing is one of the most challenging responsibilities one can have! It seems easy, but when you are in the middle of “managing,” it feels daunting. Today, the new generation employee brings exceptional challenges but also exceptional opportunities to the workplace and to their supervisors.   Staff (41%) say the lack of appreciation and poor supervision is what drives them to leave their jobs. So how do we deal with the most frequent staff behaviors calling for intervention and what are the specific strategies one can use for these? 

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the six (6) most frequent staff behaviors calling for intervention. 
  2. Learn two (2) specific management strategies. 
  3. Learn two (2) major positive approaches to improve their workplace environment. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days! 

The "Right" To An Effective Human Rights Committee 

Wednesday // July 17
12:00 - 1:00 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker: Angela Rapp Kennedy, The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)

Everyone has rights! And when it comes to the human services field, Human Rights Committee (HRC) play an integral role. These committees promote and protect the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities who are receiving services. So what are the roles and responsibilities of an HRC? Who should all be the members of it? How can you avoid common pitfalls in both establishing and maintaining the committee? In this presentation, you’ll receive answers to all these questions and many more! We share strategies you can use for creating your committee, ensuring it’s asking the right questions, and avoiding ‘danger signs’ that regularly occur in the disability services system. We’ll also share some eye-opening data about the relationship between fair treatment and overall quality of life. You’ll leave this presentation with specific action steps you can put in place “right” away! 

DSP Workforce Development Model 

Tuesday // July 16
9:30 - 11:30 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

“The direct support workforce is one of the highest demand workforces in the U.S. The expansion needed in this workforce is unlikely to happen without significant changes in how professionals are recruited, trained and supported..." This is an excerpt from a report to the President of the United States related to the Direct Support Workforce Crisis in 2017. Nearly seven years later the I/DD provider community is working through the same issues related to recruitment, training, and support for their DSP's. 

This training provides a model for agencies to consider as they are making an investment in DSP credentialing which is critical to the ongoing professionalization of the DSP workforce. While credentialing is a major factor in strengthening the DSP workforce so is ensuring the other parts of your organization are primed to support that investment. 

This model will discuss opportunities that exist related to aligning human resource and programmatic practices to ensure alignment with DSP core competencies as well as your DSP demographics and increase in knowledge: 

  • Adopting a person-centered approach with team members 
  • Refreshing programmatic and HR policies and procedures 
  • Enhancing onboarding and new hire orientation 
  • Streamlining recruitment and hiring strategies
  • Analysis of employee benefits  

The above strategies in combination with DSP credentialing can support: 

  • Decreased turnover
  • Increased retention 
  • Quality outcomes 
  • Culture of learning and person centeredness 

Added bonus: this training can support residential provider agencies in ensuring compliance with performance based contracting performance measures related to DSP workforce development. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Healthy Meal Planning 

Thursday // July 11
9:30 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

We recognize nutrition as the foundation of good health and as the source of sufficient energy to power through our days, yet we often don't give sufficient time or attention to planning and preparing healthy meals. The typical American diet is recognized as too high in sugar, sodium, and carbs, and too lacking in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. 

We ask our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) to assist individuals to prepare healthy meals, but we don't often give DSPs the instructions they need in order to accomplish that task. The result is that DSPs can only implement their own personal meal practices, and if those practices are not in line with federal healthy eating standards, individuals do not have access to the benefits of a healthy diet.

The result is that individuals are often eating the same things repeatedly, meals are not balanced, individuals do not have access to the best possible health, and they don't experience the full enjoyment and benefit of healthy foods.

In this hands-on, train-the-trainer style workshop participants will learn:

  • The basics of healthy meal planning - how to create a diverse menu, shop, and prepare meals based on an individual's preferences and a budget
  • How give the individuals you serve the maximum level of ownership possible over their own meal planning and preparation, and subsequently their health
  • How to accommodate busy schedules into the meal planning process
  • How to develop expectations for staff around meal planning and incorporate those expectations into your agency's internal QA process
  • And more...

This training is designed for trainers, frontline supervisors, managers and other stakeholders. 

Equitable Policy Development 

Wednesday // June 26
9:00 am - 11:30 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

For years policies, procedures, and programs have been developed that often, unintentionally have inequitable outcomes “baked into the sauce” particularly for black and brown communities. Many of us are in positions of influence and we can start making “new sauce” that focuses on how policies, procedures, and programs affect all our communities and how we can write them in a way that gives people what they need to be successful. In the I/DD community we have long supported the principles of person centeredness. Those principles are parallel to the principles of equity. In this training we will learn how to utilize an equity lens when developing policies and procedures that are routed in person centered planning principles.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Define Equity 
  • Demonstrate parallels between equity and person centeredness
  • Identify contributing factors to inequitable policies, procedures, and programs
  • Identify 3 stages of policy development and equity related considerations at each stage  
    • Proposal 
    • Solutions 
    • Evaluation 
  • Create a pathway to implementation
    • Data 
    • Outreach 
    • Collaboration 
    • Practice makes perfect
  • Identify opportunities to use lens to support people who have I/DD and mental health support needs
  • Understand how to use equitable policy development lens that supports the state of PA Residential Performance Standards 
  • Tools and resources to support implementation of lens within agency

Tangible resources training participants will retain: Equitable policy development lense

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Developing a Positive Culture for Staff and Individuals 

Tuesday // June 25
9:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

A high quality, positive culture is critical for your Agency’s success. Now more than ever with the seemingly never ending pandemic, staff recruitment and retention issues and general societal negativity it becomes imperative to have a culture which is positive, supportive and responsive. A culture YOU and your Staff brag about to family, friends, stakeholders and others!

In this training, participants will learn how to:

  1. Teach staff the “true value” of their efforts.
  2. Design positive messaging to Staff.
  3. Create a daily positive interaction diet.
  4. Construct an “OREO” communication message to ensure positive messaging is used when Individuals are the focus.
  5. Take care of self during the “stressful” times.
  6. Use the three secrets of positive engagement with Individuals and other stakeholders.
  7. Avoid the five “no-no’s”!

This training is designed for all leaders in the ID/A field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Frontline Supervisor Training 

Monday & Tuesday // June 17 & June 18
9:30 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

This training is designed for current and future frontline supervisors. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

The Basics of Benefits Counseling 

Thursday // June 13
1:00 - 2:00 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Benefits Counseling plays a foundational role in individuals obtaining and maintain CIE. In this webinar, PAR member Adele Bond, Social Security Benefits Specialist and Ticket to Work Program Manager at Goodwill Keystone Area, will cover the basics of Benefits Counseling, including:  

  • What is benefits counseling?
  • Why do individuals need it?
  • Who should get benefits counseling? 
  • How do individuals get signed up?
  • How might a provider support someone through the benefits counseling process? 
  • A basic overview of some of the benefits strategies that are available

This training is for PAR Members and Family Subscribers. 

Promoting Informed Choice Through "The Three E's" 

Wednesday // May 29
11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker: Courtney Kelly Chapman, The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)

The Three E's - Education, Experience, and Exposure - is the foundation for informed choice. The knowledge we gain, situations we come across, and observations along the way, all help us as we encounter new circumstances, make decisions, and adjust to the world around us. The Three E'sare especially relevant to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) considering that their choices are regularly limited or even completely restricted. In this presentation, we describe the role that the Three E's can play in the lives of those with disabilities in promoting choice, advancing self-determination, and protecting independence. You’ll hear real-life stories of how different provider organizations are using the Three E’s to positively impact people’s lives. Finally, we’ll share data that demonstrates the direct impact that Education, Experience, and Exposure can have on quality of life outcomes. 

Effective Communication Between Staff and Supervisors 

Tuesday // May 14
9:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

The key to present and future agency success will be how well communications are performed between supervisors/managers and staff. Let’s remember that Staff are a key to positive PR with individuals, stakeholders and the community. What they say reflects on YOUR agency and school image and reputation will directly reflect how well your supervisory staff are trained in handling interpersonal interactions. 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. How to identify key communication issues using focus groups! 
  2. The four (4) steps in fairly and empathetically interacting with stressed/angry staff. 
  3. The four (4) steps in objectively and fairly managing and directing staff. 
  4. At least one (1) strategy to use in building a positive workplace culture.

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Managers, Directors, and other leaders in the field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Freeing Individuals to Live Their Most Independent Lives

Wednesday // May 1
9:30 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Do you feel like, sometimes, your staff create more dependence than independence?

We all know that the goal for the individuals we serve is to increase independence through skill acquisition, but in those day to day moments when decisions are made and supports provided, the needle sometimes doesn’t move any closer to independence, if it moves at all.

In this workshop agency leaders will learn how to teach staff to support individuals in ways that:

  • Expand Individuals’ independence
  • Empower individuals to develop decision making skills
  • End unnecessary dependence on staff
  • Make it clear when success is achieved (both for the individual and the staff)
  • Support staff to create a full company culture of empowering individuals

This training is designed for trainers, frontline supervisors, managers, directors and executives. 

Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Principles and Program Design 

Monday // April 29
1:00 - 3:00 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

CIE is a team effort and is successful when each person is aware of their roles and responsibilities and meaningfully engages with other partners from a person centeredperspective. Innovative and sustainable employment planning includes the person, case manager, family, residential providers, employers, state partners, and others as determined by the person. This training is focused on the role residential providers play in championing CIE for the people they support and ensuring continued success. Residential providers play a critical role in supporting successful employment outcomes. On the flip side, those successful outcomes translate to similar triumphs at home and in the community. Bottom line, CIE ensures a win-win scenario. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Definition of CIE 
  2. Understand the principles of “Employment First” models
  3. Identify the roles and responsibilities that contribute to successful CIE
  4.  Understand guidelines for designing residential programs that support CIE and compliance with the State of PA Residential Performance Standards 
    1. Coordination 
    2. Relationships 
    3. Engagement 
    4. Innovation 
    5. Data 
  5. Tools and resources to support implementation of guidelines within residential agencies

Tangible resources webinar participants will retain: Guidelines for designing residential programs that fully support CIE

This training is designed for residential provider executive teams, directors and others interested. 

Using Data to Drive Decision Making 

Wednesday // April 17
11:00 am - 12:30 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker: Rebecca Kasey, The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)

As Albert Einstein once said, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Organizations have access to a wide range of information and data from across all of their important systems. Collecting and analyzing this data can support organizations to be more efficient and effective, by making data-informed decisions. What is the impact of your new employment initiative? Which residential settings are connected to better outcomes for people receiving services? How do your programs affect the way people establish and maintain relationships? By analyzing data collected through CQL tools, here are just a few various examples of what we have found: - The number of injuries for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities was 54% lower when organizations respect people’s concerns and respond accordingly. - Only 59.6% of organizations supported people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to decide when to share personal information. - People with intellectual and developmental disabilities who choose where they live are 2.4 times more likely to perform social roles. In this session, attendees will learn all about the different sources of meaningful data. Then, we’ll detail how to analyze that data to better understand what it all means. And most importantly, you’ll find out how to leverage it for decision-making at the individual and organizational level. By the end of this presentation, you’ll be able to ensure what you’re “counting” … actually counts!  

Partner for Success with Self Advocates United as 1

Monday // April 15
10:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker: SAU1

Join professional self-advocates and facilitators from the SAPNA (Self Advocacy Power Network for All), a project funded by the PA Office of Development Programs, to learn how you can: 

  • improve the quality of your services
  • support peer to peer education and empowerment
  • utilize free events that are ODP funded and approved 
  • creatively meet community participation goals, and 
  • provide ODP's required education for your staff and the people you serve.

Stoic Philosophy Essentials for Leaders 

Tuesday // April 2
9:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was one of the most successful leaders of antiquity. He faced every kind of adversity and trial using the philosophy of Stoicism. By exercising temperance, wisdom, justice and courage you will  effectively lead your organization through any challenge and overcome any adversity! Participant will learn:

  1. The Basics of Stoicism 
  2. How to apply the principals of stoicism to effectively:
    1. Begin each day with power and purpose
    2. Control your emotions
    3. Rewire negative thinking
    4. Stop wanting: Start accepting  
    5. Create the Agency culture you wish to have
    6. Four of the nine tenants of Stoicism related to leadership

This training is designed for all leaders in the ID/A field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days! 

Specialty Telehealth Assessment Team (STAT): A New Waiver Service

Thursday // March 28
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST // Virtual

Join us for an educational session regarding the recently approved STAT (Specialty Telehealth Assessment Team) waiver service in Pennsylvania.  This session will provide valuable insights into the process of accessing the STAT service. The discussion will include the How, When, and Why to utilize this service as well as the associated benefits of having this resource available to individuals with I/DD.  Included in this presentation will be a panel of experts providing various perspectives and information regarding the STAT service.  

The panel will be comprised of: 

  • Dr. Maulik Trivedi, Chief Business Development and Strategy Officer at StationMD
  • Dr. Gregory Cherpes, Medical Director at ODP
  • Kim Sonafelt, CEO at Mainstay Life Services

This training is designed for ID/A providers and other stakeholders. 

Effective Communication for DSPs 

Tuesday // March 26
9:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

The Developmental Disability field presents significant communication challenges for DSPs on a daily basis. Unhappy individuals served, parents/guardians and co-workers call for positive, constructive approaches which are not always a part of these staff’s skill set. This training focuses on teaching various verbal, nonverbal and social media skills to successfully deal with the various communications scenarios encountered. The training also highlights and emphasizes staff’s role as an effective communicator. 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. Appropriate verbal, non-verbal and social media communication skills. 
  2. How to defuse a “Crisis” situation. 
  3. The concept of “SHOWTIME!” in creating a positive communication culture. 
  4. How to construct an “OREO” communication message to ensure that positive messages are used when individuals served are the focus.

This training is designed for DSPs, Frontline Supervisors, DSP Trainers, and others in the ID/A field. 

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

The Graduation to Direct Support Professional Employment Program

Monday // March 25
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST // Virtual

The Graduation to Direct Support Professional (G2DSP) employment program provides high school and college students with an immersive career exploration experience in our field, a field that offers viable career opportunities. The G2DSP task force supports G2DSP employment pilot programs across the commonwealth to find sustainable ways to increase the number of high school graduates and college students being hired as DSPs and to increase the awareness of ID/A among students, including students who potentially will go into professions intersecting the lives of individuals with ID/A. Please join us for an overview and discussion of the first 2 years of the G2DSP programs, what we have learned and how we hope to continue to develop opportunities that will help to address the DSP crisis.

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Frontline Supervisor Training 

Tuesday & Wednesday // March 5 & 6
9:00 - 12:00 pm EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

This training is designed for current and future frontline supervisors. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training. 

How to Have Difficult Conversations and Productive Conflict. The Good, the Bad, and the Total Train-Wrecks 

Tuesday // February 27
9:00 - 11:00 am EST // Virtual
Speaker Bio

As a leader, or soon to be leader, you must know how to successfully navigate conflict and how to have difficult discussions that are productive. Let’s face it, most people hate conflict! The thought of disciplining someone makes your palms sweat and your heart pound so loud you can hear it in your ears! Conflict and difficult discussions can be hard! Yet, to be a successful leader you must learn how to handle conflict and embrace difficult discussions. We will show you how!

In this session participants will learn:

  1. How to Deal with Difficult People
  2. How to Confront and Address Undesirable Employee Behavior
  3. How to model behavior that others will WANT to follow 
  4. How to clearly communicate and reinforce the behavior that you desire 

Examples and role play scenarios will be presented around issues such as call off/scheduling conflicts, not wanting to take individuals served out on an outing (because it’s too hot, too far, too inconvenient), not respecting individuals' rights, punctuality, and non-compliance with documentation.

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Directors, CEOs, and other leaders in the field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Inclusive Practices: From Onboarding to Boards 

Wednesday // January 31
11:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual

National self-advocate Tia Nelis sums it up perfectly - “The best experiences are ones where you really feel included and where you are not just given smaller, unimportant things to be part of."

So how can provider organizations ensure that people with disabilities aren’t just on a committee or a work group, but act as a contributing member? Whether it’s hiring new staff, directing employee training, or influencing organizational decision-making, it's essential that people with disabilities have a 'seat at the table' in a meaningful role.

But where should an organization start? What approaches will promote inclusive practices? How can you ensure these encompass all facets of organizational life?

Through this session, you’ll discover how to enact change so that people with disabilities play a prominent part in various groups. We’ll talk through a variety of different strategies, explore best practices, and reveal the pitfalls to avoid. Attendees will also learn about practical application through real-life examples of organizations that are having success involving inclusive approaches.

Management Skills Basics - Supervisor Bootcamp

Thursday // January 25
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies serving individuals with ID/A remain faced with significant challenges in recruiting and retaining a new generation of staff. National turnover rates range from 40% to 70%, making service continuity and quality difficult at best. Add the ongoing pandemic and we face a crisis of service. A major variable in staff retention is the quality of your frontline supervisors. Do they have the basic skills to help minimize turnover or have they been “thrown” into their positions with little training? In this dynamic and humorous training, staff will learn the basics of supervision, characteristics of positive supervision, how to handle conflicts and behavioral correction, and more. 

This training is designed for Supervisors, Managers, Program and HR Directors, and others working in ID/A. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!


Wednesday // December 13
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Nearly 40% of staff report leaving their jobs because of feeling “underappreciated!” The old styles of Leadership are no longer effective given a new staff generation, new technologies and new issues never before encountered. Through a seriously humorous presentation Mr. Speaks and Dr. Greg will discuss the art and science of appreciation which will assist in expanding your LEADERSHIP TOOL KIT! 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. The six (6) principles of appreciation. 
  2. Four (4) practical ways to demonstrate appreciation. 
  3. How to hold staff accountable while using appreciative techniques. 
  4. How appreciation and assist with recruitment, retention and agency reputation. 

This training is designed for all leaders in the ID/A field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

*In-Person* Front-Line Supervisor Training 

Friday // December 8
9:00 am - 4:00 pm // In-Person
Merakey // 4700 Wissahickon Ave, Suite 1100, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead.

Problem is, nobody’s shown you how.

As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.)

You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. 

Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In this hands-on in person session, you will:

  • Learn and practice the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Analyze the root cause of all the questions that you get day in and day out…and bring them to an end for good
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify your own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Quickly spot and diffuse manipulative members of your team
  • Leave your own personalized written Supervisor Success Outline
  • And more!  

DEI Workshop: Becoming an Equity Champion 

Wednesday // December 6
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Diversity, equity, and inclusion work starts with you. People drive success. Without a personal vision, self-assessments, tools for accountability, and resources, individuals struggle to make progress in their DEI journeys. This workshop will help leaders with education, tools, and skill development to become equity champions in their organizations. During this workshop, attendees will: 

  • Learn how to assess your own bias and privilege, 
  • Discover tools for self-accountability and self-care, and 
  • Practice advocating for yourself, your colleagues, and the organization

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training. 

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Strategic Planning 

Wednesday // November 29
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Aggressive competition, changing rules, staff recruitment/retention, funding changes/challenges, managed care, and, of course, the pandemic - these are significant challenges across the DD field today, and as our Native American ancestors said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, there are many paths to take you there!” Strategic planning will set you on your path to identifying and accomplishing your goals, and it is critical for growth and survival. Yet, many entities “limp” along reacting to, instead of “preparing for” these challenges.

In this training, participants will learn:

  1. The 14 Planning Goals common across Agencies 
  2. How to identify three to five goal areas for their Agency.
  3. The value of using a Quarterly Goal Progress template.
  4. The incredible “Statement of Flexibility!”
  5. How to pick a goal and develop a corresponding behavioral Objective.

This training is designed for all leaders in the ID/A field. 

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

The Ultimate Compliance Acing Bootcamp: 7 Steps to Audit Ready All the Time!  

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday // November 7, 8, & 9
10:00 am - 5:30 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

If auditors showed up tomorrow...Would you be ready? Even though the policies are written and the staff are trained...compliance is often still a struggle. 

How can this be? The problem is likely that you do not have an Internal Compliance System that works. Attention Compliance Officers, Managers, Directors, CEOs, and anyone with compliance responsiblities...

Here's what you learn:

  • The secret foundation all compliance is built on...and without're sunk.
  • The 2 key ingredients for a juicy and effective training program...that nearly every provider misses.
  • The little known formula that guarantees you will immediately and accurately diagnose and correct employee performance problems. 
  • Pro tips to assign compliance responsibilities so that everyone is crystal clear on their requirements and you never deal with "compliance shifting" again.
  • A failproof method to catch employee errors fast...before they become systemic problems and serious compliance risks.
  • Insider secrets to practically eliminate the new staff learning curve that amplifies risk and sucks up precious supervisor time.
  • The magic sauce that ensures your entire compliance system flows with ease, accuracy, and is audit ready...all the time. 
  • The Ultimate Compliance Blueprint that lays out your entire process, and knocks the socks of your auditors.

50 Keys to Management Success  

Tuesday // November 7
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies are confronted with the questions of “How do we recruit staff and how do we keep them?”  This has been a serious problem for the past several years.  Interestingly, we hear from staff during exit interviews that one of the major reasons they leave is the QUALITY of the Management staff.  This begs the question of how these staff have been trained – usually not well!

Do your Managers have the basic skills and training to help minimize turnover and deal with the myriad issues they face or have they been “thrown” into their positions with little training?

This presentation will focus on 50+ Management tidbits for new Managers to use and existing Managers to consider. These tidbits will assist in developing the skills necessary to improve staff morale, facilitate positive communications and help with accountability and having difficult discussions with challenging staff. 

In this training participants will learn:

  • The importance of communication style
  • The importance of expectations and how to create them
  • How to use a Positive Actions Log
  • How to use reinforcement/praise appropriately, it’s “SIC”

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Frontline Supervisor Training 

Wednesday & Thursday // October 18 & 19
9:00 - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

This training is designed for current and future frontline supervisors.  

LSW, SHRM, and HRCI CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days! 

DEI Workshop: Improving Interpersonal Relationships through Cultural Humility

Wednesday // October 11
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Interpersonal relationships can affect organizational engagement, performance, and culture. Given the influential impact they are, many leaders struggle with communicating with people who don’t look or think like them. In this workshop, we’ll introduce the concept of cultural humility. Cultural Humility is a philosophy where you meet people where they are at, don't make assumptions about someone based on their identity, and understand the power balances in relationships. Approaching this philosophy can improve interpersonal relationships between your employees. This workshop will help attendees: 

  • Understand Cultural Humility and its Positive Impact 
  • Learn about Power Dynamics in Relationship and Group Settings 
  • Practice inclusive communications skills

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

DEI Workshop: Creating Inclusive Communications Plans

Wednesday // September 27
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Trust and engagement are important factors for any organization, especially an organization trying to implement change. A strong communication plan tailored to organizational stakeholders strengthens relationships. Also, access to information is influence. During this workshop, attendees will 

  • Learn the importance of communications in DEI initiatives 
  • Understand how to make communications work inclusive and accessible 
  • Create a comprehensive communications plan

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Developing a Positive Culture for Staff and Individuals 

Wednesday // September 13
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

A high quality, positive culture is critical for your Agency’s success.  Now more than ever with the seemingly never ending pandemic, staff recruitment and retention issues and general societal negativity it becomes imperative to have a culture which is positive, supportive and responsive.  A culture YOU and your Staff brag about to family, friends, stakeholders and others!

In this training, participants will learn how to:

  1. Teach staff the “true value” of their efforts.
  2. Design positive messaging to Staff.
  3. Create a daily positive interaction diet.
  4. Construct an “OREO” communication message to ensure positive messaging is used when Individuals are the focus.
  5. Take care of self during the “stressful” times.
  6. Use the three secrets of positive engagement with Individuals and other stakeholders.
  7. Avoid the five “no-no’s”!

This training is designed for all leaders in the ID/A field. 

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

On-going Training Techniques 

Wednesday // September 6
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

One of the biggest challenges providers face as they work to maintain regulatory compliance is to ensure staff receive continual and ongoing training. The challenge is further compounded because employees are spread across service settings, counties, have differing schedules, and often work alone. Lack of ongoing training can be key reason for citations and regulatory non-compliance. Creativity and innovation are required in order keep staff on their toes and stay in compliance with requirements. In this online interactive session with Sara Sherman, supervisors and leaders in your organization will learn:

  • The tools and techniques to implement ongoing staff training, even across multiple and diverse service locations.
  • The biological barriers that make learning new information a challenge, and how to surpass those challenges.
  • How to create a work culture that expects and strives for compliance.
  • Methods to measure and track progress and identify shortcomings for quick remediation.

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Managers, Directors and Executives. 

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Supporting Positive Relationships Between Staff and Parents

Tuesday // August 28
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

An important key to programmatic success is in part due to the positive relationship established between staff and the parent/guardian. This relationship not only impacts treatment outcomes but also the image and reputation of staff and the Agency supplying the service. Staff should have the tools to handle difficult or strained interactions with families and guardians in a manner that builds positive relationships and sensitivity to identified concerns.  Participants in this training will:

  1. Identify four (4) possible reasons for strained communication with parents/guardians .
  2. Learn three (3) respectful approaches for dealing with difficult situations.
  3. Learn how to use HEAT in confrontative situations.
  4. Identify five (5) “elements of trust” to improve relations.
  5. Identify two (2) “helpful hints” to use.

Special pricing for DSPs! Frontline Supervisors, DSP Trainers, and other ID/A stakeholders are welcome also.  

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

How to Reduce New DSP Turnover (Without Increasing Pay)

Tuesday // August 1
1:00 - 2:30 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

When you attend this DSP Magnet workshop, you’ll get free approaches to...

  1. Make simple changes to your onboarding program so new staff aren’t overwhelmed
  2. Discover the advantage you have that can retain staff (good news—it has nothing to do with money)

“We’ve hired 20 DSPs and kept 18 of them since starting the DSP Magnet workshops! After the retention workshop, we applied the exercises to every step of our onboarding process.”  – Director of Human Resources for a large provider in southern Ohio (May 2022)

This training is designed for CEOs, Executive Directors, Executive Leadership, Human Resource Professionals, Supervisors involved in hiring, and anyone creating new employee onboarding programs.  

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Freeing Individuals to Live Their Most Independent Lives

Monday // July 24
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Do you feel like, sometimes, your staff create more dependence than independence?

We all know that the goal for the individuals we serve is to increase independence through skill acquisition, but in those day to day moments when decisions are made and supports provided, the needle sometimes doesn’t move any closer to independence, if it moves at all.

In this workshop agency leaders will learn how to teach staff to support individuals in ways that:

  • Expand Individuals’ independence
  • Empower individuals to develop decision making skills
  • End unnecessary dependence on staff
  • Make it clear when success is achieved (both for the individual and the staff)
  • Support staff to create a full company culture of empowering individuals

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Managers, Directors and Executives.  

LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Management Skills Basics - Supervisor Bootcamp

Wednesday // July 19
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies serving individuals with DD remain faced with significant challenges in recruiting and retaining a new generation of Staff. National turnover rates range from 40% to 70% making service continuity and quality difficult at best. A major variable in staff retention is the quality of your frontline supervisors. Do they have the basic skills to help minimize turnover or have they been “thrown” into their positions with little training? 

In this dynamic and humorous training, staff will learn: 

  1. Blocking and tackling – the BASICS of supervision. 
  2. Characteristics of positive supervision. 
  3. How to use the MAGIC WORD! No, it is not “please.” 
  4. How to handle conflicts and behavioral correction. 
  5. 30 supervision “No, no’s! 
  6. How to be “SIC” but not “ILL”. 
  7. How to communicate and create a positive work environment. 

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Managers, Program & HR Directors, and others working in the field.  

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. The recording will be valid for 30 days!

Hot Topics and Trends in Nonprofits

Tuesday // July 18
10:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Drawing from national trends and the impact of the pandemic and social change, Hayley Haldeman, Counsel with the Pittsburgh-based Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations group of Dentons, an international law firm, will present “Governance and Employment Law Trends for Nonprofits.” The presentation will provide a high-level overview of best practices for nonprofit governance and employment issues, including important considerations for revising bylaws and conflict of interest policies; key distinctions with political activity; and recent employment law trends and developments.

Corrective Plan Development & Tips on Preparing for Licensure Inspections

Monday // July 10
2:00 - 3:30 pm // Virtual

Join us on July 10th at 2:00 for Ron Melusky’ s (ODP) presentation on corrective plan development and tips on preparing for licensure inspections.

This training will be recorded and shared with all registrants. 

Hot Topics and Trends in Nonprofits

Tuesday // July 18
10:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Drawing from national trends and the impact of the pandemic and social change, Hayley Haldeman, Counsel with the Pittsburgh-based Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations group of Dentons, an international law firm, will present “Governance and Employment Law Trends for Nonprofits.” The presentation will provide a high-level overview of best practices for nonprofit governance and employment issues, including important considerations for revising bylaws and conflict of interest policies; key distinctions with political activity; and recent employment law trends and developments.

DEI Workshop: Creating Psychologically Safe Organizations

Wednesday // June 14
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Despite many well-intention leaders and a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, many organizations still struggle with advancing initiatives that impact their organization. The main cause of the struggle is psychological safety. All employees, clients, and stakeholders must feel safe enough to discuss important issues affecting the agency and learn from their mistakes. In this workshop, participants will walk away with:

  • Understanding of psychological safety and benefits for the organization 
  • Practical strategies to increase psychological safe 
  • Opportunity to apply these skills in case study examples

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training. 

Effective Communication Between Staff and Supervisors

Tuesday // June 13
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

The key to present and future agency success will be how well communications are performed between supervisors/managers and staff. Let’s remember that Staff are a key to positive PR with individuals, stakeholders and the community. What they say reflects on YOUR agency and school image and reputation will directly reflect how well your supervisory staff are trained in handling interpersonal interactions. 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. How to identify key communication issues using focus groups! 
  2. The four (4) steps in fairly and empathetically interacting with stressed/angry staff. 
  3. The four (4) steps in objectively and fairly managing and directing staff. 

At least one (1) strategy to use in building a positive workplace culture.

This training is designed for ID/A Supervisors, Managers, Directors, and other leaders in the field.  

LSW, HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Building Healthy Relationships at Work 

Wednesday // June 7
9:00 - 10:30 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

People with developmental disabilities are often left out of the conversation about sexuality and relationships, almost as if they are incapable of having thoughts, feelings, and needs. In reality, they, too, are sexual beings that need information and skills for making healthy decisions about sexuality. As someone who works in a competitive integrated employment setting or a worksite, you see the need to address relationships and sexuality on a one on one basis with people with I/DD who are employees. We will explore what are the topics and main points to teach and examine techniques for helping people with I/DD to have healthy work relationships. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain knowledge about relationships and sexuality and specific issues for people with developmental disabilities.
  • Explore knowledge and skills for building healthy relationships at work including types of relationships, public and private, and working with coworkers.
  • Explore ways to communicate about sexuality with people with developmental disabilities.

This training is designed for ID/A providers, families, and other ID/A stakeholders.

Class size is limited to 75 attendees! LSW, HRCI, and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Frontline Supervisor Training 

Monday & Tuesday // May 16 & 17
9:00 - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

This training is designed for current and future frontline supervisors.  

LSW, SHRM, and HRCI CEUs will be offered for this training.

Stoic Philosophy Essentials for Leaders

Monday // May 8
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was one of the most successful leaders of antiquity. He faced every kind of adversity and trial using the philosophy of Stoicism. By exercising temperance, wisdom, justice and courage you will  effectively lead your organization through any challenge and overcome any adversity! Participant will learn:

  1. The Basics of Stoicism 
  2. How to apply the principals of stoicism to effectively:
    1. Begin each day with power and purpose
    2. Control your emotions
    3. Rewire negative thinking
    4. Stop wanting: Start accepting  
    5. Create the Agency culture you wish to have
    6. Four of the nine tenants of Stoicism related to leadership

This training is appropriate for leaders in the field of ID/A.  

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

Make Your Job Post & Application Magnetic   

Thursday // May 4
10:00 - 11:30 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Are you tired of not getting enough DSP applicants? When you attend this workshop, you’ll get free approaches to...

  1. Write a job post for Indeed to attract more applicants
  2. Fix the common mistakes in your online application that drive away applicants

This will be an interactive workshop—you will get to brainstorm and collaborate with your peers in small group exercises.

Who should attend:

  • Executives
  • HR Directors
  • HR Supervisors

“I have never taken a training that really changed things so quickly and so dramatically for me. It was exactly what I needed at the exact right time.

Before the training, we had zero applicants and were wondering where everyone was. We were at a critical place. We were putting people on a waiting list for job coaching because we just couldn't hire any job coaches.

We just posted a position, and we have 49 applicants! I just had my ninth interview; we'll have someone hired by the end of the week. After that, we don't have any open positions. The training was a game-changer!” —Kristin Frane

HRCI and SHRM CEUs will be offered for this training.

Nonprofits 101: Structure, Administration, Governance (and more!)  

Wednesday // April 26
9:00 - 10:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

This one-hour foundational webinar will cover the basics of nonprofit organizations, including structure and governance. Topics include the basic formation process and legal rules for a nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania; the role and responsibilities of a board; an explanation of bylaws and conflict of interest policies; and high-level descriptions of missions, strategic plans, and nonprofit finances. Rising leaders who currently work for/with nonprofit organizations and want to learn more about administration and governance and individuals seeking to better understand and activate the role of nonprofit boards will find the session useful. Hayley Haldeman, Counsel from the Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations group of Dentons, the world’s largest global law firm, and the former Executive Director of a nonprofit organization, will present this practical overview and share tips, best practices, and resources.

This training is created for up and coming leaders and board members. Other ID/A stakeholders are also welcome!  

Effective Communication for DSPs  

Tuesday // April 4
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

The Developmental Disability field presents significant communication challenges for DSPs on a daily basis. Unhappy individuals served, parents/guardians and co-workers call for positive, constructive approaches which are not always a part of these staff’s skill set. This training focuses on teaching various verbal, nonverbal and social media skills to successfully deal with the various communications scenarios encountered. The training also highlights and emphasizes staff’s role as an effective communicator. 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. Appropriate verbal, non-verbal and social media communication skills. 
  2. How to defuse a “Crisis” situation. 
  3. The concept of “SHOWTIME!” in creating a positive communication culture. 
  4. How to construct an “OREO” communication message to ensure that positive messages are used when individuals served are the focus. 

This training is created for DSPs! Frontline Supervisors, DSP Trainers, and other ID/A stakeholders are welcome also.  

LSW CEUs will be offered for this training. 

Behavioral Basics for Beginners - Oh, So That's Why They Do That!

Wednesday // March 15
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Human behavior is fascinating! Why do “we” and “they” do the things we do and why do we seem to repeat behaviors that are not productive? Why do Individuals act out and why do they engage in self-defeating and sometimes “injurious” behaviors? What causes this behavioral mayhem and can we successfully change these behaviors? YES, WE CAN! This training will shed light on the mystery of human behavior and how you can successfully change it, whether with a child, an adolescent, an adult or even yourself!!! 

In this training, participants will learn: 

  1. Three (3) assumptions of Dr. Greg’s Theory of Human Behavior! Yes, you CAN believe him! 
  2. Why behaviors fly by “THE SEAT OF THEIR PANTS!” 
  3. The environmental factors that trigger challenging behavior. 
  4. Why intervention strategies should mirror a behavioral SEAT! 
  5. How to best determine a “positive reinforce” for intervention use. 
  6. Five (5) general “bits” and “pieces” of information regarding behavior. 

This training is designed for all ID/A Stakeholders.  

LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Risk Mitigation & Management: Identify high risks and proactively prevent breaches

Wednesday // March 8
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. In some cases, I/DD providers may inadvertently empower the residents they serve to trigger a data breach. How so? Consider your network security. If residents are on the same network the organization uses for business operations – and for storing private information – it’s possible that a visit to an unsecure website could give bad actors a route into your secure system. Do you have guest networks for residents to use? Have you checked with IT to see if your networks are properly segregated? If not, don’t delay! 

Moving from Friend to Sweetheart in the Age of Technology

Monday // March 6
9:00 - 10:30 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

People with developmental disabilities want to form positive, healthy relationships, but may not know how to meet others and develop these relationships. When we add the latest technology and social media, we may feel nervous or unsure about how to stay safe ourselves and how to support people with disabilities. This workshop will explore how to navigate the internet and social media in a helpful, safe, and positive way. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Examine the various types of technology and the positives and negatives of using technology.
  • Explore how to help people move from friend to partner in a helpful, healthy, and safe way.
  • Discuss ways to communicate about the pleasures and risks of meeting people online, posting on social media, and how to have positive, safe relationships while using technology. 

This training is designed for ID/A providers, families, and other ID/A stakeholders.

Class size is limited to 75 attendees! LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Technical Safeguards: Examine the oversight process for assuring safe IT practices

Wednesday // March 1
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. Malicious email remains a leading cause of data breaches that compromise private information. Simply opening a malicious email could open a back door to a secure data system. Do employees know how to recognize a suspicious email? Do they know not to open anything from an unknown sender – and never download attachments or click on unknown links? 

How to Partner with Parents to Support Their Children's Sexual Development: A Workshop for Professionals

Wednesday // February 22
9:00 - 10:30 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Parents and caregivers of people with developmental disabilities are their child’s primary sexuality educator, just like any parent. The difference with this group of parents is that they are often very concerned about their child being taken advantage of; or an unplanned pregnancy, and, some parents even find it hard to think of their child as a sexual being. All of these concerns are legitimate and can make parents worried about how to communicate with their own child or having their child attend sexuality education classes. During this workshop, we will explore how to help parents become comfortable addressing sexuality with their young and grown children, getting parent buy-in, and tools for parents to use with their own children.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore parent’s concerns and attitudes towards their child’s sexual development. 
  • Examine Strategies, techniques and resources for partnering with parents. 
  • Explore effective tools for answering questions and responding sexual behaviors.

This training is designed for professionals working in the field of ID/A. Families and other ID/A stakeholders are welcome also.

Class size is limited to 75 attendees! LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Physical Safeguards: Evaluate risks to information in offices, residences and other places

Wednesday // February 22
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. Employees serve as front-line protectors of the private information your organization relies on each day in the service of individuals. Ask yourself, do your employees know exactly what they need to know to safeguard that information? As part of a risk assessment, it’s important to ask yourself whether your employees know how to guard private information, and whether they know what to do in the event of a technical malfunction or incident. For example, would your employees know what to do if computers started running slowly? Would they know to stop work immediately? And would they know whom to notify? 

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Administrative Safeguards: Evaluate how you are managing the safekeeping of information 

Wednesday // February 15
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. Ask yourself, do you know where all your private information is? Stop and think before you say yes. Consider information in text messages, in emails, on copiers and faxes, in paper documents in residences, and storage rooms and in employee mailrooms. The list can grow very long. Keep in mind, you always lock the door when you leave your home. Is that same level of vigilant security in action within your organization, so that your residences and facilities are properly secured to prevent inappropriate access?

How to Have Difficult Conversations and Productive Conflict. The Good, The Bad, and the Total Train-Wrecks

Wednesday // February 15
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

As a leader, or soon to be leader, you must know how to successfully navigate conflict and how to have difficult discussions that are productive. Let’s face it, most people hate conflict! The thought of disciplining someone makes your palms sweat and your heart pound so loud you can hear it in your ears! Conflict and difficult discussions can be hard! Yet, to be a successful leader you must learn how to handle conflict and embrace difficult discussions. We will show you how!

In this session participants will learn:

  1. How to Deal with Difficult People
  2. How to Confront and Address Undesirable Employee Behavior
  3. How to model behavior that others will WANT to follow 
  4. How to clearly communicate and reinforce the behavior that you desire 

Examples and role play scenarios will be presented around issues such as call off/scheduling conflicts, not wanting to take individuals served out on an outing (because it’s too hot, too far, too inconvenient), not respecting individuals' rights, punctuality, and non-compliance with documentation  

This training is appropriate for ID/A supervisors, Directors, CEOs, and other leaders working in the field.  

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Mapping and Inventory: Account for all private information and all places it can go

Wednesday // February 8
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. What is the most common cause of a HIPAA violation? Inappropriate access that allows protected information to fall into the wrong hands. Consider all the places where your protected information can be accessed. Get creative! Workstations, filing cabinets, electronic health records, email, laptops and mobile devices, copiers and fax machines––the list goes on. Now consider whether the information in each location has been properly secured and out of reach by unauthorized users. You may be surprised by what you discover!

2023 Winter HIPAA Series - Set Up for Success: Plan out your risk assessment

Wednesday // February 1
1:00 - 2:00 pm // Virtual

This training is presented in partnership with MyHIPPAGuide and OPRA. Consider risks associated with third-party contractors or vendors. Be sure to have Business Associate Agreements in place with all third parties with potential access to information about individuals you serve. Think of everybody! For example, don’t forget the cleaning crew with access to desk drawers and paper files or a property owner with keys to your offices.

Helping Self-Advocates Become Sexual Self-Advocates

Wednesday // January 25
9:00 - 10:30 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

We know the rate of sexual abuse among people with I/DD is very high, 7 times higher than the general population. In this workshop, we will explore the latest statistics regarding abuse and learn useful tips and tools for helping people become sexual self-advocates. We will discuss topics to include when working with self-advocates, such as: body parts and body autonomy, skills for saying no, and the difference between a healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationship. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore sexual self-advocacy.
  • Examine the knowledge and skills needed to be a sexual self-advocate and support healthy relationships 
  • healthy relationships
  • Review ways to teach these knowledge and skills to people with I/DD

Class size is limited to 75 attendees! LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

Management Skills Basics - Supervisor Bootcamp

Wednesday // January 11
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies serving individuals with ID/A remain faced with significant challenges in recruiting and retaining a new generation of staff. National turnover rates range from 40% to 70%, making service continuity and quality difficult at best. Add the ongoing pandemic and we face a crisis of service. A major variable in staff retention is the quality of your frontline supervisors. Do they have the basic skills to help minimize turnover or have they been “thrown” into their positions with little training? In this dynamic and humorous training, staff will learn the basics of supervision, characteristics of positive supervision, how to handle conflicts and behavioral correction, and more.  

This training is appropriate for supervisors, managers, program & HR directors, and others working in the field of ID/A.  

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

Leadership - Now That I'm Here, What Do I Do? 

Thursday // December 15
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Agencies serving individuals with developmental disabilities or educators serving the public experience a host of challenges including funding, rule compliance, service competition and maintaining a high-quality, viable workforce. New leaders within these agencies often find themselves so immersed in day-to-day issues that they have “no time” to reflect on higher order items, such as their own leadership VISION, VALUES and SKILLS! This training will provide an overview of the characteristics critical for successful leadership and will enable participants to self-assess their skills and develop approaches to improving them. 

In this training, participants will: 

  1. Learn the sixteen (16) critical characteristic of leadership. 
  2. Self-assess their skills across the critical characteristics. 
  3. Develop a daily VISION statement to guide their leadership responsibilities. 
  4. Develop at least one (1) leadership Skill Plan for personal use. 
  5. Report out their leadership Skill Plan to the other training participants. 
  6. Identify three (3) positive actions to use in their agency immediately. 

This presentation is appropriate for supervisors, managers, directors, and leaders of all levels involved in the field of ID/A.  

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

Create an Internal Compliance System

Thursday // November 10
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You know the rules, and your team is trained on the expectations; but your organization still struggles with compliance. There are too many panic moments, too much chaos, and internal and external audits reveal errors. How can this be?

The problem is that you don’t have an effective internal quality assurance system.

With an effective internal QA system, you will:

  • Catch errors quickly…before they become big problems.
  • Quickly return to your QA system after an emergency or crisis. (Never get permanently derailed again.)
  • Use a straightforward system of checks and balances to maintain compliance and catch errors, instead of just relying on 1 or 2 key personnel.
  • Practically eliminate the new staff learning curve that inherently creates risk for your agency.
  • Meet the compliance requirement of having an internal compliance system.

In this training participants will map out a high-level compliance blueprint that can easily be adapted for each agency’s unique needs.

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

What's Your Future and Who Will Lead You There?

Thursday // November 3
9:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Many Staff who leave an Agency tell us they have no idea where the Agency is headed or who will be leading them!  A concrete, succinct Vision is critical for an Agency’s success and knowing who the leaders will be provides confidence in the Agency’s future!  Strategic and Succession planning need not be complex or overly time consuming! Succinct plans with specific behavioral objectives can facilitate staff morale, reduce turnover and lead to program success.

In this presentation participants will learn:

  1. The 14 Planning Goals common across DD Agencies.
  2. How to identify 3 – 5 for your Agency.
  3. The incredible “statement of flexibility”!
  4. How to identify positions critical to your Agency’s functioning.
  5. How to identify key Communication styles for identified positions.
  6. How to identify present staff for these positions.

SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

The Fine Art of Mentoring - The Buddy System!

Thursday // October 20
9:00 - 11:00 am // Virtual
Speaker Bio

Time is perhaps the most valuable commodity in the I/DA system today. Keeping up with rules, regulations, and ISP compliance as well as staff scheduling is a significant stressor. Figuring out how to free up time to train new hires or staff who are in need of “positional refreshing” can be almost impossible. BUT, you have a resource that can help alleviate this stress and help improve the skills of new hires. MENTORING by using more senior staff to train and support less senior staff. 

In this training, participants will learn:

  1. The four (4) positive reasons to become a mentor. 
  2. The four (4) wrong reasons to become a mentor. 
  3. What a mentor is and what mentoring involves. 
  4. The CRITICAL statement that mentors must use constantly!
  5. The do’s and don’ts of mentoring.
  6. The basic steps of teaching a task!
  7. How to teach a skill and demonstrate to participants.

 SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.

Frontline Supervisor Training

Wednesday & Thursday // October 19 & 20
9:00 am - 12:00 pm // Virtual
Speaker Bio

You’ve just received a big promotion, a new set of keys, access to approve timesheets, and an eager team to supervise, educate, support, and lead. Problem is, nobody’s shown you how. As a frontline supervisor you are a pivotal link in the service delivery chain and the key to your organization’s effectiveness. (No pressure.) You are now completely responsible for the performance of your team, regulatory compliance, translating instructions from upper management, and staff development, all while performing a multitude of administrative tasks and helping to ensure the health and welfare of those we serve. Chances are, you could use a few new tools in your management toolbox. In these two half-days of hands-on training with Sara Sherman, supervisors will:

  • Learn the 10 Fundamentals of Supervision
  • Discover the secret to finding and addressing the root cause of performance issues
  • Identify their own supervisory strengths and vulnerabilities
  • Understand two of the most challenging employee personality types, and learn how to stop them in their tracks
  • Leave with a written Supervisory Success Outline

This training is a 6 hour training split over two days. Attendees should plan on attending both days of this two-day, two-part training.

 SHRM, HRCI, and LSW CEUs will be offered for this training.














PARedu Trainings are an initiative of Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability, a 501(c)3 organization.