Associate Membership

PAR offers a number of ways for Associates to engage with over 135 ID/A Providers all over Pennsylvania. Aligning your business needs with one of PAR’s Associate Membership levels listed below gives ID/A Providers access to the very best products and services you have to offer. Which option is best for you? Email [email protected] with questions or to request a call to chat!


  • Access to PAR’s Online Community - Member Forum
  • Discounted pricing to attend PAR Meetings and Events
  • Members-only Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Discounted Exhibitor Pricing
  • Your company & contact info listed on PAR’s Online Member Directory
  • Receive PAR Mail
  • Post jobs on PAR’s Job Board

Annual Dues: $1,500


As an Elite, you received all of the above Insider benefits plus:

  • Access to join Friday Morning PAR Talk
  • Participate in over twenty PAR Committees 
  • Access to PAR’s Online Community - Committee Forums
  • Exhibit for free at one in-person PAR Conference
  • Opportunity to host one webinar presentation for PAR Membership marketed through PARedu
  • Feature your company’s news and events in PAR’s Elite News

Annual Dues: $5,500


Partnerships are a way for Associates to offer additional discounts or services to benefit PAR Provider Members and includes a few added Associate Member benefits. Partnerships between an Associate and PAR are limited to one Associate per service category. If you are interested in a partnership with PAR above and beyond traditional Associate Membership, please email [email protected].

Explanation of Benefits - Insider & Elite

Online Community - Member Forum 
PAR’s Online Community is a hub for member collaboration. It features a general member forum open to all PAR members used for discussion and information sharing. 

PAR Technical Assistance Center
The Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at PAR offers a range of members-only resources including a FAQ guide, information on rates and appeals, details on Performance-Based Contracting, business development support, members-only webinars, and links to other helpful resources and frequently used documents. Click here to access the PAR TAC!

As a PAR member, you pay much less when registering to attend PAR Conferences and other PAR Events, including PARedu Trainings.

PAR offers a number of sponsorship opportunities. As a sponsor, you’re recognized as such in PAR marketing efforts, and may be invited to give a brief presentation to members at the beginning of the meeting or event. Sponsorships are available for the following:

  • Conferences – Solutions (Fall), Policy (Spring)
  • Committee Meetings
  • General Membership Meetings
  • PARedu Trainings

Email [email protected] for a list of upcoming sponsorships, details, and pricing!

PAR very much enjoys networking and being able to offer networking opportunities to both our members and non-members. PAR events bring together stakeholders and decision-makers from across Pennsylvania, including providers of ID/A services, self-advocates, family members, community allies, business partners, and state officials. This is a great way to showcase your products or services to event attendees who are eager to learn about and improve solutions with the ID/A service industry.

Exhibit at one of these PAR events:

Email [email protected] for more information and pricing!

PAR Online Member Directory
PAR’s website is where members frequent to stay current on all-things ID/A in PA. In addition to hosting a plethora of important information and resources, your organization and contact info is added to PAR’s Online Member Directory. 

PAR Mail
PAR Mails are a reliable and timely electronic publication that keeps members informed about policies, practices, action alerts, and upcoming events related to ID/A in PA. PAR Mails are sent out frequently and are available to everyone in your organization. 

If you miss one, no worries. You can capture it all in PAR’s News You Can Use (NYCU) that goes out every Friday. NYCU is a compilation of the week’s PAR Mails, and other important information, including news from ANCOR, Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), Office of Child Developmental and Early Learning (OCDEL), and more!

If you would like to receive PAR Mail, please email your request to [email protected].

Job Board
PAR offers a place for members to list open management level positions, within the ID/A field, in Pennsylvania. Positions remain listed on PAR's website for 30 days or until filled. Click here to visit the Job Board or view the form here!

Explanation of Associate Benefits – Elite Only

*In addition to the benefits listed above, Elite Associates also receive the following benefits: 

PAR Talk 
PAR Talk is a members-only call that takes place every Friday at 8:30 a.m. that offers timely and confidential high-level updates from Mark Davis, PAR President & CEO, and other PAR staff. Immediately following PAR Talk, Lisa Mathis, Vice President of Policy, leads a follow up call that alternates between updates on CPS and Transportation and In Home and Community Based Supports. At the end of each call, we open it up for discussion, comments, and questions. PAR typically hosts anywhere from 150 to over 200 ID/A PA Provider executives and other staff on these calls. 

PAR Committees
PAR offers and supports a growing number of committees that focus on a variety of different issues that have been identified by our members as important to address. Associate members, such as yourself, add great value and knowledge and can also benefit from the information discussed during member-only committee meetings. 

Elite members are eligible to join and participate in most PAR Committees, which includes attending committee meetings and communicating within PAR’s Online Community - Committee Forums. View a complete list of PAR Committees here.

*Please refrain from promoting your business within PAR’s Online Community. Promotional marketing is reserved for sponsorships only.

Elite Associates that would like to join a committee, please email your request to [email protected]

Online Community - Committee Forums
Each PAR Committee has its own forum used for discussion and information sharing. These forums consist of PAR ID/A Provider Members and staff. 

*Please refrain from promoting your business within PAR’s Online Community. Promotional marketing is reserved for sponsorships only.

Elite Associates that would like to join a committee forum, please email your request to [email protected].

Exhibit for Free
Elite members are able to reserve one spot in PAR’s Exhibit Hall, at an in-person PAR Conference, each year of membership. This includes one exhibit table and one full registration for one attendee.

Elite members are offered the opportunity to host one webinar or presentation for PAR membership, per year. You may choose which day and time works best for you, and PAR will market the details through our educational training channel called PARedu. Marketing includes PARedu branding, announcements and reminders on Friday Morning PAR Talks, and marketing PAR Mails. 

Elite News
Elite members may feature company news and events in the “Elite News” section of PAR’s News You Can Use PAR Mail that is sent out to our entire membership every Friday afternoon. This particular PAR Mail has the highest member engagement, with double our usual click rate and open rate. 

Apply for Associate Membership