Navigating the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Report Suite for Pennsylvania Providers

Navigating the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Report Suite for Pennsylvania Providers
This webinar will go over how to get information out of the Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) that can drive quality assurance initiatives, improve quality of care, and support agency outcomes. This webinar is designed for provider agency leadership, supervisors, and anyone responsible for quality assurance or health outcomes. We will look at reports to monitor compliance and identify areas of highest health risks for the people you support. We will also cover HRST reports related to performance-based contract standards and customizing reports to get exactly what you are looking for quickly!
Please note the following:
-This is supplemental training with no pre-requisites.
-IntellectAbility does not provide certificates of attendance.
-No CEU's are being offered for attending this training.
-All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
**When registering, if you do not see your agency name under the "client" section - look for your state, and then your agency name will appear in the "provider agency" section. **
Tammy Armstrong- Client Engagement Manager- IntellectAbility
Ingrid Durbin- HRST Clinical Services Representative- IntellectAbility
Active Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) Account
Please register using the link below.
January 17, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

ODPANN 24-127: Medication Administration Online System Notifications, Proof of Qualification, How-to Guidance, and January–March 2025 Train-the-Trainer Face-to Face-Schedule

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-127: Medication Administration Online System Notifications, Proof of Qualification, How-to Guidance, and January–March 2025 Train-the-Trainer Face-to Face-Schedule. The purpose of this announcement is to notify Trainers and Learners of the following:

  1. To reach out to the MA Help desk if the student does not pass their second attempt at the Post Test for account reset.
  2. If a student earns a Post Test total of 89.5 points, it will be rounded up to 90 and considered a passing score.
  3. 3 additional Observation checks are now available in the 2024 online student courses for those that did not complete the initial 4 observations within 30 days of passing the exams.
  4. A link is now available on the student course page for students to view their User Report.
  5. Reminder: The “Trainer Attestation of Qualification” and the “Complete to access Acknowledgement of Qualification” activities serve as the ‘online’ signatures, replacing the physical signatures.
  6. Reminder: The 2022 student courses should no longer be used after January 31, 2025. Activities will no longer be available to students after this date. Please complete the 2022 student courses before this date and start new classes with the 2024 student courses.

Contains a Proof of Qualification guide for Qualified Medication Administrators, Certified Trainers, and Qualified Practicum Observers.

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ODPANN 24-126: New American Sign Language English Interpreter Service

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-126: New American Sign Language English Interpreter Service. The purpose of this communication is to announce the availability of the new American Sign Language (ASL) English Interpreter service codes effective January 1, 2025.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) External Acronym Guide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached External Acronym Guide. The Acronym Guide is a helpful tool to identify the many acronyms that ODP uses in our communications. Please share widely.

PA Family Network January Workshops

Attached are the PA Family Network workshop and support groups for January 2025. Thank you for sharing these important workshops and Good Life Groups with your network!

Register for upcoming events at

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ODPANN 24-125: New Procedure Code for Communication Specialist Services

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requuests your assistance sharing the attached communication; ODPANN 24-125: New Procedure Code for Communicatio Specialist Services. The purpose of this announcement is to notify stakeholders of an upcoming change to the Communication Specialist procedure code. Effective January 1, 2025, the current procedure code T1013 (Communication Specialist) will be replaced with W1748. The new code will retain the same provider types, specialties, and edits.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

ODPANN 24-124: Social Security Administration (SSA) Announces 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication; ODPANN 24-124: Social Security Administration (SSA) Announces 2025 Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). The purpose of this announcement is to provide notice that the Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment will increase beginning in January 2025.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

ODPANN 24-122: Newly Released: Additional Learning Opportunities for Certified Investigators (CIs)

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication; ODPANN 24-122: Newly Released: Additional Learning Opportunities for Certified Investigators (CIs). The purpose of this communication is to announce the release of an Additional Learning Opportunities page and new online lessons: Communication Considerations and Being Trauma Informed. Please review the announcement for information on accessing the new learning opportunities and additional details on the training.

ODPANN 24-120: Now Available: Version 2, Life Sharing Service for Individuals with a Medically Complex Condition FAQ

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-120: Now Available: Version 2, Life Sharing Service for Individuals with a Medically Complex Condition (MCC) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). The purpose of this announcement is to inform all interested parties of the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP) publication of the second version MCC Life Sharing FAQ.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) January 2025 Training and Events Calendar

The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the January 2025 training and events calendar. Please share widely.

Project ECHO - Empowered Living Through ECHO: Enhancing Healthcare for the Adult Neurodiverse Community in PA

Project ECHO At Penn State College Of Medicine Presents:
Empowered Living Through ECHO: Enhancing Healthcare for the Adult Neurodiverse Community in PA
A training series for professionals who serve neurodiverse adults
Penn State College of Medicine’s Project ECHO invites professionals who work with neurodiverse individuals to register for an 8-session training program focused on improving service practices. Are you a direct support professional working with neurodiverse individuals? This program helps you support those facing trauma, mental and physical health challenges, and offers strategies for using coping skills to build resilience. Eligible participants include direct support professionals who work with neurodiverse individuals, including clinical supervisors, behavior specialists, group home managers, and program coordinators. This virtual 8-session program meets weekly for one hour. See the attached flyer for more information.
Spot signs of trauma & common mental health issues
like anxiety or mood disorders
Recognize physical health concerns such as GI issues,
seizures, & sleep problems
Improve resilience & use strategies to manage stress
Encourage community engagement & support
Use the Community Resilience Model as
a framework to understand the need for
appropriate skill building
About Project ECHO
Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an internationally-recognized, evidence-based approach to continuing education and telementoring that leverages the power of sharing knowledge across miles and across disciplines. Project ECHO started at Penn State College of Medicine in 2018 and aims to improve health outcomes and access to care within and beyond Pennsylvania.

Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Quarterly Residential Provider Forum

The Office of Development Programs’ (ODP) will be hosting the second quarterly residential provider forum to provide support provider PBC preparedness. During this session ODP will provide a status update on PBC applications, review the PBC presented to the Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) Provider Performance Review Subcommittee, review the emerging themes or trends with the application submissions, and offer the opportunity for providers to ask questions.
Residential Providers
December 16, 2024, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

ODPANN 24-119: Newly Released: The Certified Investigator (CI) Program Spotlight Quarterly Newsletter

The Office of Developmental Programs requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-119: Newly Released: The Certified Investigator (CI) Program Spotlight Quarterly Newsletter. The purpose of this announcement is to advise stakeholders that the Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have released a new issue of the quarterly newsletter, The CI Program Spotlight.

Please review the announcement for additional information and detail.

Data Request to All Intermediate Care Facilities

The Office of Developmental Programs is assisting the Pennsylvania Department of Health in gathering data which will be used for a collaborative high-priority initiative to evaluate the effectiveness of a Quality Investment Pilot program.  To do so, we are requesting your assistance to provide the following data for each of your ICF locations:
  1. Provider Name:
  2. Location (ICF Site Name):
  3. Number of people residing at the location as of 11/30/24:
  4. The number of people at the location not covered by Medicaid (i.e., # of Private Pay clients) as of 11/30/24:
  5. The number of DOH citation related to infection control at each location from 2020 to date and the tag number:
  6. Has this site participated with the RISE program?


You may supply the data by typing the responses after each question in an email reply, or by attaching a spreadsheet with the following columns completed:

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ODPANN 24-118: Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Services Guide

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-118: Office of Developmental Programs' (ODP) Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Services Guide. The purpose of this announcement is to announce the release of the Guide to the ODP Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind Services.

Please review the announcement of information on how to access the Guide and other important details.

ODPANN 24-094 Update: Current Requirements for Tuberculosis Testing in Chapter 2380, 6400, and 6500

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached updated communicated; ODPANN 24-094: Current Requirements for Tuberculosis Testing in Chapter 2380, 6400, and 6500. Updates are in red.

ODPANN 24-117: Now Available: Certified investigator Peer Review (CIPR) Live Case Study Sessions

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-117: Now Available: Certified Investigator Peer Review (CIPR) Live Case Study Sessions. The purpose of this communication is to communicate that new live case study sessions for the Certified Investigator Peer Review (CIPR) Course are now available.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

ODPANN 24-116: Now Available: Administrative Review (AR) Live Case Study Sessions

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-116: Now Available: Administrative Review (AR) Live Case Study Sessions. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate that new live case study sessions for the Administrative Review (AR) course are now available.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

ODPANN 24-115: Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Quality Management (QM) Certification Classes: Registration for 2025 Virtual Classes

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-115 : Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Quality Management (QM) Certification Classes: Registration for 2025 Virtual Classes. This announcement provides information on the registration process for ODP’s January-April 2025 Virtual QM Certification Classes.

Please review the announcement for additional details.

ODPANN 24-114: Now Open: Registration for Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attached communication, ODPANN 24-114: Now Open: Registration for Certified Investigator (CI) Initial Certification Course. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate that registration for the January – April 2025 CI Initial Certification Course classes (also known as cohorts) is now open in MyODP.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.